Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Aricha Wubanchi Natural Coffee Beans


Aricha Wubanchi Washing Station

This coffee was produced by Mr. Abreham Mengiste Mrs. Meseret Workneh, the driving force behind Primrose Coffee.

They are dedicated to crafting outstanding coffees and deeply committed to making a positive impact on the communities in Yirgacheffe where they are based. The Aricha Washing Station services over 2700 farmers who mainly cultivate the local 74110 and 7412 varieties. There, the coffees can be natural or wash processed, and even with extended fermentation methods.

For a natural process Yirgacheffe coffee from Ethiopia, the farmers harvest coffee cherries at peak ripeness and dry them on African raised beds for around 19-21 days. The cherries are regularly raked and rotated to ensure uniform drying and to avoid over fermentation. After the coffee reaches a moisture level of 10-12%, the cherries are hulled and transferred to the warehouse in preparation for export.

  • Flavour: fruity and sweet, strawberry, bergamot
  • Beans: natural arabica, JARC varieties 74110 and 74112
  • Origin: Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia, 2213masl
  • SCA Cupping Score: 85/100

Fresh every week and carefully roasted in our Rotterdam-West coffee roastery