Award-winning blend of Saemidori and Tsuyuhikari cultivars
The region around Sonogi (Nagasaki prefecture, Japan) is best known for tamaryokucha. Tamaryokucha (“ball-green tea”) is a sencha whose leaves are not needle-shaped but curled and sometimes rolled into small balls, due to the special way of rolling during the drying process. Sonogi tea farmers are experimenting with new teas, both new cultivars (varieties of the tea plant) and black or oolong teas.
This Kiri (‘Mist’) Tamaryokucha was produced by Yoshitaka Ohyama (4th generation of family-owned Ohyama Seichaen). The unique blend was blended by Kenichiro Nagao in Nagasaki, Japan. Nagao wen Ohyama were at Evermore in February 2020 to present new tea varieties and tell more about the age-old tea tradition in Japan. We tasted the Kiri and immediately loved the distinct umami flavour of this tea, like sweet tomatoes.
Talking about his production methods, Ohyama says:
“With our motto of ‘making tea to connect people and soften their hearts’, we have long been producing tea in our family factory and avoiding unnecessary stress for the tea plants by paying attention to the environment. We are looking for a new kind of tea farmer for the future of tea from Nagasaki, providing a stable and high quality tea for tea lovers at home and abroad.”
Weight: 80 gram

Tea Master Yoshitaka Ohyama grew the teas for the Kiri Tamaryokucha.